Monday, June 14, 2010


Hey! it's me again! oh I miss post something in this blog. the reason? easy, I can't go online everyday since I was a highschooler (I am a highschooler? yeah..that's pretty much it) and the reason number two is that there is some new micro blogging technology called TWITTER!

awalnya gue agak aneh sama twitter, soalnya gue agak agak mikir what's the point of writing something to be read by others? kayak gue hebat banget gitu kan tulisan gue dibaca orang haha. anyway, ternyata hal yang satu ini bisa bikin gue ketagihan. kalo twitter itu makanan, gue bakal mengasumsikan kalo dia pake narkoba.

setelah beberapa lama gue pakai twitter, tweet gue mulai berubah, dari yang awalnya gue mention orang-orang kayak ngobrol-ngobrol gitu sampai sekarang gue mulai sok ngetweet quotes dengan bahasa inggris. everything changes as time goes by. gue mulai berfikir, apa iya twitter dipakai buat ngobrol-ngobrol? then what's the point of some old technology called chatting or text messaging? jadi gue mulai mengurangi mention orang dan mulai menulis suatu hal dengan bahasa asing.

one thing for sure, sesuatu yang gue tulis dengan bahasa asing itu keliatan lebih keren meksipun gue tau tata bahasa gue ancurancuran gue modal muka tebel ajadeh kalau banyak yang salah haha eh ternyata banyak yang retweet, so random.

gue tau semua bakal ada plus minusnya, mungkin ada yang jengah kayak, idih sok abis nih orang. atau malah ada yang suka kayak, wow you're kewl. yang selalu bikin gue ketawa adalah tweet yusuf hikmah adrai dan henny priutami.

jadi waktu itu gue ngetweet sesuatu pakai bahasa indonesia, dan mereka langsung mention gue bilang "demi apa @arietrif ngetweet pake bahasa indonesia?" ahahah atau "@arietrif ri? situ/sampean/kamu/anda/elu ga bisa bahasa indonesia ya ri? hihi" they really are a mood booster.

the tweet I like the most is tweet about the differences between us and the nerd:

any volunteer? we will say: him! her! nerd! not me!
any volunteer? nerd will say: me! me! me!
people get in the way. we will say: get out of my way!

people get in the way. nerd will say: excuse me...

an A for math. we will say: this should've been wrong! HEY, nerd, you got your paper on me! where's my paper?

an A for math. nerd will say: this should've been wrong! I deserve an A++ for this. what's wrong with those teacher?!

what's your favorite subject at school? we will say: THE RECESS! THE BREAK TIME! THE TIME WE GO HOME!

what's your favorite subject at school? nerd will say: MATH, especially algorithm and algebra!

what did you bring to school? we will say: mobile, novel, comb, notes, money. books? pen? I'll borrow it from the nerd

what did you bring to school? nerd will say: books, thesis, pen, pencils, references, another books

what is school? We will say: school is the best place to meet and play with friends! study? oh GOOGLE could teach me..

what is school? nerd will say: a building where young people receive education. an educational institution, was founded in 1900

for more details just visit my page read my tweet then follow me! now go on! what are you waiting for? go on! go check my page! go! I said go! why are you still here?! I said go on, it's free? hey, don't mess with me, now go! I said go...

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