Saturday, January 25, 2014

Ananto Prasetyo

Normal things that I love: 

Kota Kasablanka
because it was the first place we hang out together as a friend
because it was the place we go to on our first secret date
because it was the first place we took LOTS of photos together
because it was the place we go to on our date the most

tag: calculator, chatime, sticky, paperclip, cooking panda, XXI, KFC, mochi-mochi, ace hardware 

Kuningan City
because it was the place that brought us together 
because 080313 happened there
because hurry up happened there
because it was the first place you hold my hand, in public

tag: XXI, funworld, parkir motor, Jco

Epicentrum Walk
because on our second secret date, we went there, and get caught

tag: farmers market, XXI

Pos satpam depan tower 12 Rasuna Epicentrum
because we stuck here after you accompany me searching for kosan
because we meet a nice satpam here, that soon after that still remembered us

tag: rain

Ruang 12 Universitas Bakrie
because it was the place you confess

Coffee Toffee Hanglekir
because the hangkilir accident happened there
because we watch standup comedy together, and it was fun

tag: SUCI3, ticket

Botani Square Bogor
because it was our first place to go outside Jakarta

tag: 6people, photobox

GOR Bulungan
because for the first time I watch basketball game with you 
because for the first time you watch my seniorhigh basketball team played vs teladan

tag: ninety, teladan, GOR, basketball

Burger Blenger Bulungan
because we are hungry! and we ate there without plan
because you're not full even after the big burger

tag: gerimis

Bebek Kaleyo
because my experience of eating here for the first time is with you
because this was the place we go on my birthday
because we went here after we had a big fight (the helmet-accident) and everything is okay

tag: paket bebek, bebek cabe ijo, bebek kremes, sayur asem, es teh tawar

Bebek Ginyo
because the place was good
because this is the place we go on our another unplanned date that soon lead us to another adventure

tag: bebek cabe ijo, nasi uduk, sayur asem, 50.000

Comic Cafe tebet
because you take me here when I feels upset knowing your plan about moving
because the view was so beautiful I even forget the problem

tag: Beef Teriyaki, Crispy Dori

ragusa italian ice cream
because we go there together
because we had a lot of fun searching for the place
despite the fact we don't like the ice cream, I like the moment

tag: banana split, spaghetti ice cream, orange juice

Steak&shake Grogol
because we ate there together
because you showed me the place you used to hang out on

tag: double tenderloin, french fries

A&W Stasiun Jakarta Kota
because it was the most COOL adventure we ever had
because it was the first time we travel without knowing where to go

tag: waffle ice cream, orange juice 

Es Pocong
because it was the place we visit without even planning it
because we go there when the problem occur and we tried to fix things up
because I know and I'm sure for the first time about your feeling when our relationship still blurred

Kebun Binatang Ragunan
because we went there by transjakarta, and it was awesome
because we had fun there

tag: no animals, busway, tahu bulat

RM 99
because it was the place where you finally said we don't have to make a space
because it was the place where you said what bothers you for so long

Lotte Shopping Avenue
because we celebrate our first monthsary there!

tag: XXI, Sushi Tei

most of all, if I don't like the place
I like the moment
I like you!!!

ps. I remember 

Friday, July 19, 2013

Just A Random Feeling

"Assuming feelings can be analogically explained, mine would be: 

first day at school
excited, happy, but feels scared of not knowing what will happen. will they likes you? will you get a friend for the lunch time? will you be accepted? 

midterms of school
in the comfort zone, have lots of friends, you love them, but feels scared of the drama. are they really likes you? are you really on the right path? what if they hates you but they are not telling? what if all these things are fake? what if it ends?

finalterm of school
it's coming to an end, that feelings of loving everything -including the things you hated the most at the first place-, that feelings of not letting go, but feels scared. are they really feels the same as you? what if the story is not the same as it is inside your head? what if they really want you to go? what if it's end someday-somehow-in the end of the day? what if...I'm the only person that hold on?

exactly my point. 

can someone please tell me
everything will be okay
everything is okay

more importantly, please tell me
you love me
my bad
my good
my absurdity

and if there is something you hate
you hate that thing
but you don't hate myself

and if there is something you hate
you will tell me
you will not pretend
but you will try as hard as you can
to make me a better person
to turn the hate into love

more importantly
you will stick with me
and not just run away
leave me face this anxiety
by myself

I had enough

assuming feeling can be analogically explained, sadly it can't...
it just can't "

p.s I have a trust issue, please help!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

"It's the last time I want to tell you that I like you so much"

 I understand...

" sometimes something is better left unsaid "

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


it's my birthday! 

it's been an amazing 6th of march ever...

surprise from mentasers
have a quality time with industrial engineer at campus
watch stand up comedy 3 with bestfriends
nonetheless, all the presents I gain!! yay!

well, when I have the mood to actually blabbering about all those event I might post it as well. 
but for now I think the outline is enough. lol.

"you'll never know how grateful I am to be surrounded with all of the people around me"
thank you, thank you like a million times...

Sunday, February 24, 2013

meet them!

This is the team I belong at ALSA UNPAD debate competition...

 we seems nice...

proud of our forehead... 


and ready to fight...

the result? 
we didn't break...

what a paradox

it's okay, we'll fight again, right mates? 

Monday, February 11, 2013

bukan lagi anak basket kemaren sore :')

left to right: ludie, chita, me myself, zulfi

chita and me, her hair is longer now though :')

up left to down right: asih, devi, me myself, widia, shelly 

up left to down right: zulfi, tria, me myself, devi, shafira

" mereka bukan lagi anak basket kemaren sore.
bukan lagi temen main kemaren sore.
mereka, lebih dari itu "



cutting my hair!

enggak se ekstreme itu juga sih...

HAI! jadi ceritanya liburan ini gue potong rambut \('o'\) (/'o')/
potong rambut selalu jadi dilema banget buat cewek. it's a BIG deal.
apalagi kalo punya rambut kayak gue :')

anyway, so I decided to cut my hair this February. karena udah nggak kerawat gitu ujungnya. padahal udah lumayan panjang..
enggak gampang juga sih buat gue mutusin mau potong apa enggak. masalahnya dari potong rambut itu:
  1. your hair always looks GOOD just before you decided to cut it. dan ini kayak major problem banget! enggak tega kan jadinya :'(
  2. bingung mau potong semana, ketika udah duduk di salon itu pasti ditanya kan mau potong segimana. I always said "potong yang rusaknya aja" dan gue lupa rambut gue itu udah rusak akut sampe ke atas. mau dibotakin aja apa ya? :(
  3. salon itu suka mainin pikiran gitu. hairstylistnya udah bilang, "potong segini cukup?" dan gue pasti bilang "dikit lagi deh" dan menyesaaaaal. padahal yang awalnya udah bener -.-
the thing I hate the most about cutting my hair, is:
hasil aslinya baru akan keliatan setelah keramas. karena rambut cantik akibat blow nya udah ilang :')
dan gue pasti struggle banget buat nemuin cara buat bikin rambut gue keliatan gue banget. otherwise, 

this is the best look I'm gonna get...

but in the end, entah gue ikat, jepit, it turned out okay.
emang butuh berapa hari penyesuaian dengan gaya rambut baru sih, tapi it turned out okay kok

sama kayak hidup ya?  

di hidup, kadang kita harus "motong" keburukan-keburukan di diri kita
"motong" hal-hal yang bisa bikin kita buruk
kadang kita salah "motong", hal yang buruk kita biarin, yang baik malah kita potong
kadang kita "memotong" terlalu sedikit, kadang terlalu banyak
awalnya kita ngerasa aneh...
tapi setelah berapa lama, itu emang yang terbaik kok :)

nggak percaya?
bayangin aja orang yang nggak pernah motong rambut
bisa buat lompat tali ._. dor!

peace and love,